Written by Ajay Gandecha for COMP 426: Modern Web Programming, with contributions from Kris Jordan, adapted from COMP 423: Foundations of Software Engineering.
In the previous reading, you learned about arrow functions. Arrow functions are a more compact and concise method of defining traditional functions. Let's take a look at the following TypeScript function:
/** Function that doubles the input number */ function doubleNumber(num: number): number { return num * 2; }
This function is rather simple - it takes in a number
as an input, then returns double that number as its output!
Here, we are using the traditional function syntax to define this function. We use the function
keyword first, provide the name of the function, its parameters with type annotations, a return type of number
, then the function body.
Now, using what you learned in the arrow function section of the TypeScript for the COMP 301 Java Developer reading, let's convert the doubleNumber()
function into arrow function syntax.
/** Doubles the input number */ function doubleNumber( num: number ): number { return num * 2; }
/** Doubles the input number */ let doubleNumber = (num: number): number => { return num * 2; }
On the left is doubleNumber
as a traditional TypeScript function, and on the right is doubleNumber
as an arrow function. Both are perfectly valid ways to declare the doubleNumber
function. In addition, we can call both functions in the same way - using doubleNumber(num)
In the arrow function example, you probably notice something rather interesting. It appears that the arrow function syntax uses the same syntactical structure we use to define variables!
// General formula with type annotation: let name: type = value; // General formula without type annotation // (where TypeScript infers the type): let name = value; // Examples let courseCode: number = 426; let name = "Ajay"; let thisIsSoCool = true;
Now, let's take a look at our arrow function example:
/** Function that doubles the input number */ let doubleNumber = (num: number): number => { return num * 2; }
This follows the general formula for creating a TypeScript variable! Let's break this down:
Name | Value | ||
let | doubleNumber | = | (num: number): number => { return num * 2; } |
As you can see, we are creating a variable with the name doubleNumber
, our function name. But, woah - our entire function is the value of this variable! This is both simultaneously fascinating and scary. When we created the doubleNumber
arrow function, we treated (num: number): number => { return num * 2; }
as a value assigned to the name doubleNumber
Let's take a step back and think about some examples of values that we typically store. Look at the following table:
Variable | Value | Value's Type |
let course = 423; | 423 | number |
let name = "Kris"; | "Kris" | string |
let yoda = new Jedi("Yoda"); | Jedi("Yoda") | Jedi |
In the examples above, we store various values - from primitive types in TypeScript to objects. Functions now join the list as a possible type of value that can be stored in variables.
In TypeScript, we can use the arrow syntax we learned to create function literals. Function literals declare anonymous functions and are reference values. They define the three basic parts of a function - the parameters (inputs) that the function expects a caller's arguments to provide, the return type, and the body of the function that ultimately returns the evaluated value of a function call.
The function literal syntax looks like the following:
// Function literal used to define a function that // takes in a number and returns double the number. (num: number): number => { return num * 2; }
As you can see, this literal takes in a number and returns a number - just as shown in the arrow function syntax!
Calling such a function literal directly is possible, but rarely used in such a fashion:
((num: number): void => { console.log(num); })(423)
(When such a construct is useful is a bit beyond our concerns, but as a hint it is a clever tactic for avoiding introducing any identifiers into a scope, like globals, while still giving you an isolated scope of function execution. In other words, it's useful in scenarios where might want to define a function and call it exactly once without giving any subsequent code the ability to call it again.)
In a sense, it's similarly as infrequent to use as directly subscripting a string, such as:
(num: number): number => { return num * 2; } // ... this does nothing without calling it directly! let doubleNumber = (num: number): number => { return num * 2; } // Better! We can refer to this function definition // and call it from elsewhere.
Hopefully, you are able to see how we can use functions as values to assign to a variable!
Lastly, remember that values always have a certain data type associated with them. Recall the table above - the course
variable is of type number
, the name
variable is of type string
, and the yoda
variable is of type Jedi
. So, what type is doubleNumber
The type annotations for function literals are based on their parameter types and return type. The type annotation has the following formula:
(param: type, param2: type, ...) => returnType
So in this case, the type annotation for doubleNumber
would be (num: number) => number
Just like with normal TypeScript variables, we can also apply type annotations to our arrow function, like so:
/** Function that doubles the input number */ let doubleNumber = (num: number): number => { return num * 2; } // OR /** Function that doubles the input number */ let doubleNumber: (num: number) => number = (num: number): number => { return num * 2; }
Understanding the typings of functions and how to pass functions as values is extremely useful. Let's explore some use cases for passing functions around as values!
Let's take a look at the following example. Say that I have an array of number
s. I want to create a function to modify these numbers so that I call the doubleNumber
function on every single one of them!
So, if I were to have the following input:
[0, 2, 4, 8]
I expect the following output:
[0, 4, 8, 16]
Using what you learned from the TypeScript tutorial, we can create this function by utilizing some array functionality. Let's create this function as an arrow function and call it mapNumbers()
. This function will take in an array of numbers (numbers[]
) and return an array of numbers as well.
Feel free to try to implement this on your own as practice first, or look at the code below:
/** Function that doubles the input number */ let mapNumbers = (nums: number[]): number[] => { // Create an empty list of numbers let newNums: number[] = []; // Loop over all of the input numbers for(let num of nums) { // Modify the number let newNum = doubleNumber(num); // Save the new number newNums.push(newNum); } // Return the final number return newNums; }
We can now easily pass in an array of numbers, and it should return an array of numbers with all of its numbers doubled.
However, what if we want to make mapNumbers
more multipurpose? What if we wanted to have mapNumbers
also be able to triple a number? Halve a number? Square the number?
We could rewrite the mapNumbers
function every single time, except that seems incredibly inefficient. What if there was a way to pass in which function we wanted to modify each number with into the mapNumbers
function? So for example, I could pass in doubleNumber
if I wanted my function to double the numbers, or pass in squareNumber
if I wanted to square each number.
Well, we can! Since functions can be used as values, we can use them as function parameters too. Recall how we implemented the doubleNumber
function again. We could easily implement a few more functions like doubleNumber
that would perform these other operations for us.
/** Function that doubles the input number */ let doubleNumber: (num: number) => number = (num: number): number => { return num * 2; } /** Function that triples the input number */ let tripleNumber: (num: number) => number = (num: number): number => { return num * 3; } /** Function that halves the input number */ let halveNumber: (num: number) => number = (num: number): number => { return num * 0.5; } /** Function that squares the input number */ let squareNumber: (num: number) => number = (num: number): number => { return num * num; }
We now have many different functions that perform an operation on a specific input number! Despite it being messier and less readable, the functions above include their type annotations. If you notice, all of these functions have the same type annotation: (num: number) => number
Recall the header from our mapNumbers
let mapNumbers = (nums: number[]): number[] => { ... }
The header for our function takes in one parameter currently - a list of numbers. We then perform operations with the inputted list of numbers. To specify this parameter, we just included a name and a type annotation.
If we wanted to pass in a function in here, how would we add this into our function header?
let mapNumbers = (nums: number[], transformFunction: (num: number) => number): number[] => { ... }
As you can see, this now would provide a new parameter called transformFunction
of type (num: number) => number
that will enable us to pass in a function with that type annotation!
To make our lives easier and make our code a lot more concise, we can also create a type alias for our function's type! That will make it easier to type and more readable. If you are not familiar with type annotations, check out the TypeScript Tutorial docs to learn more.
type NumberTransformer = (num: number) => number
Now, our new header for mapNumbers
would look like so:
let mapNumbers = (nums: number[], transformerFunction: NumberTransformer): number[] => { ... }
Finally, let's implement our new mapNumbers
/** Type alias for our number transformer functions */ type NumberTransformer = (num: number) => number /** Function that modifies the input number */ let mapNumbers = (nums: number[], transformerFunction: NumberTransformer): number[] => { // Create an empty list of numbers let newNums: number[] = []; // Loop over all of the input numbers for(let num of nums) { // Modify the number // !! - We call the passed in function here! let newNum = transformerFunction(num); // Save the new number newNums.push(newNum); } // Return the final number return newNums; }
This is super useful. As you can see, we modified our function to use the passed in transformerFunction
to actually transform each number in our array. Let's see our new mapNumbers
function in action:
let numList: number[] = [0, 1, 4] // Double the number mapNumbers(numList, doubleNumber) // Returns : [0, 2, 8] // Triple the number mapNumbers(numList, tripleNumber) // Returns : [0, 3, 12] // Halve the number mapNumbers(numList, halveNumber) // Returns : [0, 0.5, 2] // Square the number mapNumbers(numList, squareNumber) // Returns : [0, 1, 16]
The ability to pass functions into other functions is an extremely powerful feature of TypeScript that is commonly used and built-in to many TypeScript language features. We will explore these features in a second, optional reading.
In the previous section, we explored passing functions into other functions as parameters. In this section, we are going to try one more thing: returning functions from functions. Remember that ultimately, functions just return values. Since the arrow function syntax allows us to represent functions as values, we can also use this return functions from within functions!
Let's continue to use the example we have been working with in the previous sections. We implemented two functions - doubleNumber
and tripleNumber
. What if, though, we wanted to multiply a number by 4? 5? any number?
Recall a nifty design pattern from COMP 301 - the factory design pattern. The factory design pattern allows us to create different versions of a class based on a certain parameter.
What if we can create a function that generates different functions depending on what number we want to multiply by?
That way, if we call our new function generateMultiplyTransformerFunction
, we ultimately can do the following:
let numList: number[] = [0, 1, 4] // Generates a function that doubles a number let doubleNumber: (num: number) => number = generateMultiplyTransformerFunction(2); // Double the numbers mapNumbers(numList, doubleNumber); // Returns : [0, 2, 8] // Generates a function that quadruples a number let quadrupleNumber: (num: number) => number = generateMultiplyTransformerFunction(4); // Quadruple the numbers mapNumbers(numList, quadrupleNumber); // Returns : [0, 4, 16]
We know that our new function should return a function that is compatible with the parameter in mapNumbers
, which should be a function that inputs a number and returns a number. So, the return type signature should be (num: number) => number
From there, we also need an input to our generate function. This input is the factor by which we want to multiply.
Let's create the skeleton of our generateMultiplyTransformerFunction
/** Generates a tranformer function that takes in a number and returns the number multiplied by the factor. */ let generateMultiplyTransformerFunction = (factor: number): (num: number) => number => { } /* NOTE: I will not use the type alias in the next examples to get you a bit * more familiar with the expanded syntax so you are able to recognize it if * you see it. However, if it helps to understand the input and output, here * would be the function header using the NumberTransformer alias created in * this line: `type NumberTransformer = (num: number) => number` * * let generateMultiplyTransformerFunction = * (factor: number): NumberTransformer => { ... } */
Now, let's think about what we are actually trying to return. Let's think about what we would want as the output of this function given a few sample inputs:
Function Call | Expected Return Value |
generateMultiplyTransformerFunction(2) | (num: number) => number => { return num * 2; } |
generateMultiplyTransformerFunction(5) | (num: number) => number => { return num * 5; } |
generateMultiplyTransformerFunction(0.5) | (num: number) => number => { return num * 0.5; } |
As you can see, there is a pattern emerging! Let's extrapolate such that we replace our input with an arbitrary factor
Function Call | Expected Return Value |
generateMultiplyTransformerFunction(factor) | (num: number) => number => { return num * factor; } |
We have just found what we want our function to return! Let's finish implementing the generateMultiplyTransformerFunction
/** Generates a transformer function that takes in a number and returns the number multiplied by the factor. */ let generateMultiplyTransformerFunction = (factor: number): (num: number) => number => { // Return a transformer function that takes in a number and // returns the number * factor return (num: number): number => { return num * factor; } }
As you can see, this might be a bit confusing at first! Essentially though, our generateMultiplyTransformerFunction
just returns another function for us to use elsewhere.
Ultimately though, there are some pretty cool use cases for functions being able to generate other functions. While the syntax is a bit messy, using some TypeScript language features such as type aliases may help to make it easier to understand.
Congratulations! ✨ Throughout this reading, you have learned how to use functions as values. Doing so has enabled us to use functions both as parameters in other functions, as well as return values of other functions. What you have learned to implement here are higher order functions.
Higher order functions are functions that either take in other functions are parameters, or return a function as their result. Higher order functions enable us to program more in a funtional programming style by allowing us to abstract functionality into higher order functions, and to use higher order functions to generate functionality based on certain parameters.
TypeScript uses higher order functions throughout its language features, and higher order functions are used extensively across web development. Being able to trace code with higher order functions is quite challenging at first. One of the best ways to practice using higher order functions is to play around with them and create your own examples! Just like in the previous tutorial, we highly recommend you go to the official TypeScript playground or open a new Repl.it and play around with creating and using higher order functions.
In addition, below are some additional resources that you may find useful: